Faithe and Begorrah! Welcome to all, step inside for a wee pint or two...

Might the door be locked, there's a key under the mat. Come on in and pour yourself a wee bit of refreshment! but remember...soon enough you'll have a crowd o' well wishers at your table and into your bottle!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

BAIL OUT - Give Me a Break!

I felt so strongly about our Economy and this Bail-out Issue I wrote a 2ND letter to our elected Officials. Whether you agree or disagree please just express your opinions to me and to your own elected officials. The letter I sent is as follows:


I again feel I must express my outrage and disgust over this $700 Billion bailout of these institutions that have gotten themselves into this financial crisis. I know you say you are thinking about this but I really want each of you to reflect carefully how you are affecting me, my family and the rest of the citizens of this country that do not have the means or the will to communicate their anger and disgust over this issue. I DO NOT want your lip-service to preclude you from doing the right thing. You are already in office and you have it made no matter how you make decisions for the rest of us. You are not going to leave Congress or the office you hold without financial security. You will have a Congressional Retirement to fall back on. If you are a millionaire it may not be what you are accustomed to live on but you still have a guaranteed bail-out ready and waiting for you when you leave office. You will never be faced with having to choose between paying a utility bill or the mortgage or paying for food for your family or the gas to get you to a minimum wage job. Please pay attention when I tell you, as a Taxpayer, that I, under no circumstances, want this bailout to occur. I am willing to risk my employment, my health benefits, my home and my way of life because of this and I am not of any means to take care of myself financially. I am in no way independently wealthy, I live paycheck to paycheck. As a taxpayer, I want no front door deals or no backdoor deals. No deals at all. I want nothing to do with this at all. I do not want my tax dollars to pay one penny of this! I do not want these corporations to get any breaks at all. This means no tax breaks, no incentives, nothing! They have already done the damage to themselves and to everyone else. Forgive the euphemism but I wish I could slap some sense into you and your colleagues. As an AMERICAN citizen I have had ENOUGH of all these shenanigans. I am an average AMERICAN taxpayer barely able to make it and the only way I can save for my own future is the small 5% I put forth into my 401K (Approx $1500.00 per year) and I am not going to get any help paying my bills or my mortgage except through my own hands and labor. I refuse to be further penalized because I did the right thing financially to own my home, have a car for transportation, and work a 40 hour a week job. Who is going to bail me out if I get into financial trouble? Are you? Are your colleagues? It simply won’t happen. I’ll lose my job, my home, I’ll have to sell my car and either live on the street or live in a mission rescue house. Forgive me if you have heard this from me before but I feel I am forced to continue to belabor the point. Please think very carefully about the future of average AMERICAN citizens such as myself, who your actions are affecting every day! I can’t sleep at night thinking about it and I hope this ways heavily upon your hearts and minds. If it doesn’t then you are in the wrong profession. Like many other AMERICANS I am watching and learning. My TAXES and my VOTE may make or break your next election and I will certainly view your voting records to make my decisions about your future. I am a Democrat if asked but I don’t vote by part affiliation. I vote for who will do the best job and will stop the madness that is going on in Washington, D.C. I beg you to think about this and not make any deals that will allow these institutions and organizations to get my tax money. NO Front-door or Back-Door, nothing!

A Taxpayer and Voter

When emailing this letter I read an interesting essay on the issue of this bailout and if you click here you can read it too.

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