Faithe and Begorrah! Welcome to all, step inside for a wee pint or two...

Might the door be locked, there's a key under the mat. Come on in and pour yourself a wee bit of refreshment! but remember...soon enough you'll have a crowd o' well wishers at your table and into your bottle!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Grandma What Big Teeth You Have...

You know its surprising what you plan to accomplish for yourself and for other's when you take a day off work. This weekend was of no surprise or at least I thought not. I had arranged my work schedule to take Friday off because I had a whole laundry list of tasks that I have been wanting to get accomplished. I was planning so many things to get done. First and foremost was to rebuild a block wall in the front of my Mother's house. I spent considerable time last season attempting to complete out-of-doors an entire reconstruction of a stairway wall made of concrete blocks. I was presented with many roadblocks last year and it appears I am to faced with many more to come. The weather dealt me an untimely blow when attempting my latest foray into the world of DIY but the greatest hindrance to my task was a blow struck by my own Mother. Since my Step-father's death I have been a keeper of sorts to anything and everything she needs assistance it should be. However, and unfortunately, I was stopped cold in my tracks in my attempt to fulfill my laundry list this weekend. It seems that my Mother got herself caught up in an identity-theft scheme. That simple act trumped any plans I had laid of mice and men. She wittingly gave some serious identifying information to a caller on the phone. To her credit she believed the man was with the Medicare Administration and to her discredit she should have known better. She worked a career for the Division of Family Services, for heaven's sake. This person, He convinced her to give him her Social Security number (which she claims he already had) and the numbers to her checking accounts as well as some other identifying information. When she told me what had happened, I was dumbfounded and understandably angry that she could have been so foolish. She jeopardized her financial future believing in this voice on the telephone and lost some money to boot, though the bank happily refunded the money she had lost and put barriers in place in case it happened again...which they told us, it would. In fact, to the toon (or is that tune) of thousands of dollars or at least they would try for it and sure enough they did and are. The bank is in the process of tracing the theft...Thank goodness!

To continue...My Mom is not stupid...she is educated, raised a family, survived two husbands nearly suffering a mental breakdown from the divorce of the 1st husband. (Its a long story probably a topic for a future post)...and if it were not for her creative accounting through the years, her sense for business, I remember the early years when should decorate and dress to the nines, and the way she can cook a gourmet meal from a can of tuna, mac & cheese, peas and sister and I would not be the successes we are today. Unfortunately, my Mom is a trusting sort and she unwittingly trusted the wrong person. It was this event that derailed any plans I had for my weekend off. I spent an entire work day on the phone with creditors, at the bank, talking to the FTC and the police. I recommend everyone who reads this post goes to the FTC website to read about Identity Theft. You can go directly there if you click here. It has been a frustrating and thankless weekend wasted, well wasted in the sense of my laundry list.

I type this post as a warning to all...please keep an eye and and ear to those you care about whether, friend or relative. Age makes no difference but the aged seem to be victimized in greater numbers. Make it your business to know a little of a friends or relatives business (just in case something like this happens) and warn them of the dangers of people soliciting good tiding at the door or over the phone. Most of all, please make it crystal clear that any personal information that can identify them should remain solely in their head and locked away or put away safely. Reveal it only to those who are the most trusted of individuals. We are still reeling from this debaucle and will for months, if not years to come. Your identifying information should be given to no one unless it is through communication that you initiate and to anyone you have thoroughly checked out. I kid you not, when I mean it can be life we have experienced but a momentary glimpse of it.

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Use some common sense.

  • If someone is calling you, ask for a # to call them back. If possible, investigate further before calling back, just to be sure.

  • If someone is at the door, listen but don't commit to anything without checking it out later. Get numbers to call, addresses, names, ask for literature they should have.

  • If you get something in the mail and don't understand it, show it to someone you trust, get their opinion.

  • Don't arbitrarily throw any identifying information in the trash. Shred it, or cut it in tiny pieces.

There are so many do's and don't to remember like I said earlier go to the FTC Identity Theft Website for more information then I can recall here. AND REMEMBER THIS ONE THING, MOST OF ALL...UNLESS ED MCMAHON IS AT YOUR DOOR WITH A BIG FAKE CHECK IN HIS HAND...THE OLD ADAGE IS TRUTH: IF IT IS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE IT IS PROBABLY NOT TRUE. Please take the PROBABLY out of the saying... In all my 40 something years when something was too good to be true, in the end it was too good and not true. These old sayings like this keep ringing in my ears and more people should learn from the wisdom of others. I hope you learn something from this post most of all....

Sunday, April 22, 2007

What a Weekend!

Wow!, This was a pretty good weekend on the scale of things to do. I had so many activities that I didn't get my normal 12 to 14 hours of sleep on a Saturday. If you know me, you know I am a big sleeper. Even in my 40's I require lots of sleep time. To start my weekend off right, it was payday, hooray! After work i had dinner plans at Jerusalem Cafe' in Westport. It was a very good meal. I went with a friend and we shared the Cafe's Jerusalem Dinner Feast and a dinner order of the Shawaramah Chicken. Man, that was a lot of food for two people. The Baklava to end the dinner was superb. Our waiter was very personable and gave us a free dessert sample that looked like a shredded wheat biscuit and tasted like pistachios and honey. It was delicious. I would highly recommend this restaurant for lunch or dinner. It has menu items for the both the carnivore and the vegetarian. Mmm Mmm Good! If you want to know more about the restaurant you can click here to link you to their website. Like I said good food.

Then after dinner we had tickets to Mannheim Steamroller in the Music Hall. When I normally think of this group I think of Christmas music but I was pleasantly surprised to hear their repertoire of some other modern composition music. I did not realize they combined imagery with the music and some of the photography/short film pieces timed to the music was to say the least interesting. Some of it, I was slightly disturbed by until I realized the titles of the compositions and how I put the two together then it made all made sense. It was a very uplifting experience. To end the night, my friend and I were having a conversation about me seeing anyone I might know there. It seems that almost everywhere I go, I see someone I know...and not just the folks I attend the event with. Its always another friend or acquaintance. This evening was no exception. Whilst, my friend was visiting the ladies room, another friend happened by, actually my Mom's RCIA teacher, who was also her sponsor to the Catholic Church. She was also there to see the Steamroller. My point to this is that it really is a small world. To beat all, as I was waiting for my friend, the nights featured violinist, Jeff Yang was coming into the Music Hall entrance from outside. The Security staff had stopped him, as if he were just some guy coming in without a ticket. He was telling them he was a with the group, I stepped up to tell them he was the violinist of the troupe and they let him in. he shook my hand and thanked me for the trouble. Snap, I forgot to get an autograph...

The next day, I awoke to a very beautiful day. The sun was out and a pleasant breeze was blowing. For some time, I have been wanting the time and energy to re tackle a task I began last spring, I think. Anyway, the block wall in front of my Mom's house needed a reset and this was the day to get it done. Well, I went to Sutherland's and got some of the necessary supplies and I started to redo the wall. It got a little late after time I spent figuring and thinking the project thru and I was late to get ready for a planned dinner Saturday evening. My Uncle and Aunt both had birthday's in March and April and tonight was the night we all planned to kind of celebrate. My Uncle is 85 and my Aunt is much younger....see Aunt Shirley...I learned a long time ago that a lady never reveals her any rate we had dinner at Garozzo's in the Columbus Park neighborhood downtown KC. We like the original the best and always have an enjoyable meal experience and tonight was no exception. It was Prom Night as are most Saturdays ending April and most Saturdays in May and there was lots of little Prom couples dressed in their finest Tuxes and formal gowns for the night. I think Pastels must be the rage this year because I have seen a lot of Easter pastel colored gowns this season and lots of up do's on the young ladies. The tuxes seem to be the same styles for the guys from year to year and lots of it should be. A fella in a colored tux is so 70's, please fellas, please. Anyway, I ate way too much but still had enough for leftovers at least one if not two additional meals. Wow! now that's Italian.... To end the evening, I had planned to attend a housewarming/congratulations party among work friends at a friends new house. I am sure it was a great time and will get all the scoop Monday but something had to give and it was late, I would have been late to the party (too late to catch up on my drunk, (just kidding)) so I headed for the comforts of home, my TV and my couch. Although, this is a typical evening for me anyway, most nights I have to get up for work the next day. There is nothing like spending time on the couch not having to worry about getting up the next morning to go anywhere or do something.

Ahhh, Sunday arrived and to also a beautiful day. A bit overcast but the temp was up and it was a good day. I of course went to Mass, then came home changed in to some comfort clothes and spent some more time on the couch, napping into oblivion. I did a couple of things outside and just relaxed. I love those kind of days and look forward to many, many more. If I could just win the lottery or something. I could make a career out of relaxing that is for sure. I hope everyone else had just as good a weekend as I did. Now its off to bed again to sweet dreams and another week @ work. See Ya...

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Nothing is Certain but Death and Taxes...

Someone once said (and I would like to know who said it) "that there is nothing certain but Death and Taxes". Unfortunately and ironically, I have to say that both of these things are true today. As today is April 17th, is the final date for you to submit both your State and Federal 2006 U.S. Tax returns...if you forgot that this year you get a couple of extra days because April 15th fell on a weekend day, that is... Tax returns are due and should be postmarked before 12:00 midnight tonight! So if you still have not gotten your taxes done, 1st of all Wow! How brave of you to push the envelope, so to speak. 2nd, you better get busy and stop reading this blog...I mean it! If you need some assistance you can go to the IRS website by clicking here. Good luck!

I hate to brag about it but I got my Taxes done in February and I've already gotten by refunds back. I actually got a refund, now that's incredible. At any rate, if you haven't finished, like I said quit reading and get to it!

This is also a date that the certainty or should I say uncertainty of death has again made the headlines. Unfortunately, another school shooting has lead to the greatest loss of life in the U.S. in recent history surpassing that even of Columbine High School so many years ago. For those killed in Blackburn Virginia at Virginia Tech College, please join with me and take a moment of our busy lives to pray, to God or whatever higher power you believe, for the innocent young people taken from their families and friends in such a senseless manner. Also, pray for the young man who apparently, allegedly, perpetrated this horrible crime. He had to be experiencing such great pain to inflict harm of this magnitude. Although, I used find it hard to do, someone such as this needs my prayers just as much as those whose lives the young man apparently took. Finally we should pray that senseless violence like this will cease. We all need to remember to open our eyes and ears and hearts to people like this in need and in such unrecognizable pain. If I ever remotely suspect someone I know is in such pain, I know that after today, I can never turn a deaf ear, heart or mind to any pain that person may be in. I will find some way to get them the help they need to avoid another senseless tragedy like that that happened yesterday to so many. As I said, take a moment of your day to lift up your thoughts and/or prayers to remember those who lost their lives. Remember also their families, friends and loved ones who lost someone to such a senseless act.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Iraq or Back

OK, for those of you that know me...know that I have a political opinion but in the same breath that it really disgusts me to discuss politics. That being said, I have to comment on events that happened today in Iraq. Apparently, according to news reports, there was a suicide bomber allowed to enter Iraqis Parliament buildings and detonate in or around a busy cafeteria killing at least 8 people and injuring many others. The bomber, of course, could not be identified because they were obviously blown to bits. According to news reports, the bomber was mis-identified as a body-guard for an Iraqi official and allowed to access key areas where they could inflict serious damage. The crocks to this event is that this happened in an area known as the "Green Zone" area totally controlled by US and...I use the term loosely "coalition" forces. What happened to Security? Why was not everyone stripped searched before they enter this "area" or at least patted down. I thought before this incident that there would be multiple areas of searching, body cavity poking, questioning before entering...such a powerfully identified "zone". A failure to communicate no longer cuts it with me. Accidents don't happen anymore!

I have to say that I felt angry when I read that this had happened. Angry because this area is supposed to be the most heavily fortified, policed, searched and stable area in Baghdad, if not the whole of Iraq. I want to know what went wrong here. I think this is finally my straw.

I would like someone to tell me what exactly are we doing there? In what way is this benefiting me as an American? I am tired of the touchy-feely emotions of helping a downtrodden and suppressed peoples...Its just not reason enough anymore. As an American I want something in my hand or my pocket to show for all of this. To beat all, I am from the Show Me State so Show Me.... I have never felt from even the 1st Gulf conflict that Iraq and Saddam Hussein was somehow a threat to me and my country. He was a piddly little man that did a lot of very horrendous things, no worse than those in Darfur, Sierra Leone, Liberia, or Croatia just to name a few. Quite frankly, I have always felt much more ill-at-ease if not down right frighted by the Dictator in charge of North Korea and his country's definite possession of "Weapons of Mass Destruction" and his defined ability to actually destroy a significant part of my homeland. I never felt a threat from anyone in Iraq.

For Jiminy-Cricket sake, the forces of Iraq didn't even put up a fight when we invaded, the 1st or this last time. I have always thought that if there was all these weapons that Saddam used on his own countrymen, why then did he not use them on the invasion forces? What exactly did the man have to loose by not using them on us for invading his country? If he could kill his own countrymen why not the invasion forces in the country? Instead, I am asked to believe that he shipped them off to Syria to "hide" them. Did the thousands of invasion forces only cause him to think that his vision of a perfect country was going to continue? Did the bombs of destruction we used to take over the country not say to is the time to fight back? Oh no, he says to himself, I have to hide these weapons...not use them to kill. If I had these kinds of weapons at my disposal and my home was invaded, I sure would have used them to kill mine enemies...let me tell you! and without hesitation...and that is just another reason I have all these questions...and no answers. Its been long enough, show me the pictures, let me see for myself the writings, the documents, the testimonies , lets go to the video tape...that give me definite concrete reasons for the current conflict. Can you read the frustration I feel?

I ask again, how exactly am I going to benefit from this invasion, war, whatever... Is Iraq going to become the Disneyland of the Mid-East for me? Is it going to become a gentrified vacation spot with some of the best food and drink around? Am I going to get free gasoline because Iraq possesses more oil then even Saudi Arabia under its soils? Am I going to get a free camel with free food to feed it for life? What about free woven Persian rugs? I going to get from this action? How is it going to first and foremost...financially or physically benefit me? How am I going to monetarily profit from this action? I don't go to work everyday for the glorious feeling of contributing to society...I have to earn a paycheck that pays for my way of life. So again and again, I ask and I does this make my life better? Unfortunately, the idealism of the betterment of mankind doesn't keep the roof over my head, the gas in my car, or food in my fat gut. Let's all forget for a moment about freeing a slaven peoples. That reason is not even close enough for justification in my eyes. Because...there are so many other peoples across the globe that are suppressed or held captive or killed by dictators or madmen. There are so many millions killed and maimed that I keep asking myself why this particular country...and not all the others? What is so special? That b.s. about other parts of the world being upheld through diplomacy and not thru force is just that B.....S......people are still dying for their freedoms or lack thereof all over the globe and Americans can't save the world but maybe, just maybe, save the cheerleader....because if we save the cheerleader we save the world...
(Heroes-a TV Show, NBC it).

Those of you that know me, know that my Brother-in-law is a dedicated member and career Officer in our Armed Forces. I have Parents, Uncles, Aunts, Cousins and Friends that have either served in the military or are very supportive of the Troops that serve for us. I count myself among them. I want everyone to know that I support and defiantly respect those that serve for my core. They are doing me the greatest service of protecting me and the country I call home. This is not just lip-service. I could never find fault with those that serve. They serve for me as I could not. I would not want anyone to believe that by my questioning the actions of my government, that I somehow disapprove of a service member protecting me and my way of life. That, for me, is unquestionable. A service member first and foremost is doing what they are trained and told to do. Said service members may believe they are doing what is right for our country and I respect their right to that opinion. They may also question the validity and authority but because of their duty, they follow orders to serve and protect in disregard for their personal politics. You can't pay anyone a greater respect than that.

It is in this instance, I disagree not with the service members serving but with the powers that be above those that serve, those that are running my country. In the end, I want to know the real reasons for this conflict. I reiterate again and finally the question that comes to my mind constantly....How exactly this is "war" benefiting me financially and fiscally. Day to day I have to earn money, pay my bills, buy groceries to eat, fill my gas tank, etc. Whether we want to admit it or not one thing directly affects and effects the other. The bill is coming due and is the warm feeling of do-goodness in my belly enough to justify the cost of it all? Not for parents always told me you don't get something for nothing and I am tired of my country paying the price. At least, could I get a year's supply of free gas or something???

I welcome comments one and all....thanks for reading. Like I said a while back, can read the frustration in my being?

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Is It Church or Holy Days That Draw Us Nearer to God?

In case I haven't said it, I am a former Protestant turned Catholic
(9 years strong) and I have spent another meaningful Holy Week exploring my faith. Each successive season I find myself getting closer and closer to my Savior. Don't get me wrong, I am not a holier-than-thou type. I am a true and born sinner, I fight and resist sin as much as I am humanly able, through it all I still find failure and sin but I learn from my sins and I strive for perfection realizing that I may sin again. Hopefully, it will not be the same sin, however.

I don't wish to sound preachy but during this past Holy Week and I found myself joyful to see all the people and on the same token see all the people. Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday brought a multitude of people to church to listen to God's message for each of us. Like I said, I looked around and saw many faces that I have never seen before. The church overflowed with people. Ushers asked the congregates to get to know your neighbor and snuggle up to make more room for the multitude there to worship. I have my own reasons that I attend church beyond what that says we are supposed to and I often wonder, I sometimes ask, what draws others to attend church services? During this week I kept the thought about all these other's that I had never seen. I pose the question to ask if all these people only attend church on a religious holiday? It makes me sad to wonder why it is so difficult to attend church regularly and does someone feel better for having attended church once or twice a year? I make a solid effort, scratch that...I look forward to attending a Mass. I get so much from the Bible readings, the Psalms and the Gospels and most of all partaking of the Body and Blood of Jesus who died for my sins.

During this Holy Week I felt moments of sadness when I was crowded in the pew by souls I had never seen before. The thought crossed my mind again that they were just there because of the Easter Season....which brings me back to the other side of the coin. In the end I was joyful that so many filled the church to hear God's message for us...and remember...The Season is not over. Its not just the Resurrection, the Easter Bunny, a few colored eggs, a big dinner and Easter is over over. There's another 15 days of the Easter Season celebration ahead of us. Remember that! I can only hope, pray and look forward to seeing more faces next Sunday that aren't so unfamiliar....Happy Easter To All!

Sunday, April 1, 2007

A Shared Experience

Well, what a beautiful Sunday. It is Palm Sunday 2007 and I even got up really early to go to church this morning. As it turns out I made the best choice to do just that. Although, today's service was a little extra long... I always get a thrill from the reading of "The Passion of Christ"...and we sang one of my favorite Hymns..."Were You There". Sometimes I cannot help but shed tear thru some of these songs because they really move me. This particular Sunday's service always moves me to do something.

Today it moved me to get a Tattoo...well not actually but I did get a Tattoo. I have been talking with a few friends @ work and several of us decided to all get tattoos. We each had one reason or another for doing it and it just seemed like something to do. If we had to do it individually we probably would not consider it but there is something different when a group chooses to do something together. We actually decided last Thursday to go to the Tattoo Parlor (Purgatory Tattoo in Independence) and just go for it. Well, as in all things time is of an essence and let me tell you there was a stream of people coming and going...on a Thursday evening, no less. We all got there around 5:30 after work and there was a wait...Some of us already had designs in mind others had to search the books. At any rate, time got the best of us and all of us could not get Tattooed all at once. Soooo...those of us left met today, Palm Sunday to get the work done.

I have been thinking of a tattoo since my Father died back in 1993 when I was 27. Then again when I was thirty, and I was bound and determined to make my 40th the year...well I'm not sure why...but I didn't. Today made up for all of that. Obviously, this is not an art form for everyone and some artwork is more tasteful than others but beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I beheld a Scorpion. This is the Zodiac sign for my birth month and something I have always considered. The Artist who drew and inked mine is I believe..just that, an Artist. Most of these guys and gals have a natural talent for design and although there is no Culinary Academy to teach this fine art. They learn thru apprenticeship if you will, and I appreciate the talent it takes. I am really amazed at the beauty of the detail work done by Jason (whom I would recommend...if you are considering). He did 3 or 4 of us and we are all pleased with his work. Again, Thanks Jason...

As I said, I truly was going to get this done at my milestone birthday but didn't and since we were all talking about it @ work, I thought why wait....and I am more than glad that I got this tattoo. It didn't really hurt, I got the tat on my ankle, and the color is of course, blue. I will now have a better memory of this event because I did something with a group of friends. and had some laughs and good times thru our shared experience. After all, and this is the moral of my story....this is or at the very least should be what our lives are about. Our lifes' are the sum of our experiences and those that are shared are all the more sweeter. I am sure this is a quote by someone else more famous or profound than I. I would quote them if I knew who it was because it sounds like a great thing to say and if I am the one who said it to begin with then perhaps 100 years from now I'll be in a book of famous quotes, Yea!!!. Or does it sound familiar because that is just what life should be about and its a part of all of us, our experiences shared....