Faithe and Begorrah! Welcome to all, step inside for a wee pint or two...

Might the door be locked, there's a key under the mat. Come on in and pour yourself a wee bit of refreshment! but remember...soon enough you'll have a crowd o' well wishers at your table and into your bottle!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

This American Economy and My Backside

I recently sent the following letter to some of my elected officials who might be involved or have a say in this $700 Billion-Trillion Dollar Governmental Bailout of all these Wall Street Corporations and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac The Officials representing me in the US Congress are as follows:

Representative Sam Graves of the 6th District of Missouri
Senator Kit S. Bond of Missouri
Senator Claire McCaskill of Missouri

The letter I sent each of them is as follows:

As a taxpayer, I am outraged that our elected officials are even considering bailing out an industry that has taken advantage of so many people. If these institutions used unethical lending tactics to get people into mortgages that they could not afford, they did their own disservice to themselves and to the people who accepted their loans. Why should I and my children, my children's children have to pay for the mistakes of these institutions and their leadership, especially when that leadership walks away with millions upon millions. Those CEO’s should have to forfeit those monies in these cases and that money be put toward making their institution whole again. I was always told you learned more of a lesson in failure than that of success. These institutions should have to figure out their own problems and not look to the taxpayer to pull them out of the jam they got themselves into. Our economy is already in a mess and this cannot cause that much more harm. Even so, if it would then I believe it should be allowed to proceed because if one is at the bottom then there is nowhere to go but up. In addition, employee's of these companies’s lost their jobs, their salaries, and their retirements because of it. Who is bailing them out? Is the federal government going to guarantee their losses?
Again, I have to stress the point, why should the CEO's of these companies be able to walk away unaccountable and also multi-millionaires...for the poor decisions they made. If you and your colleagues bail these companies out you are in league with their bad choices and making a bad choice of your own. As a taxpayer I think I have had enough of all of this and I will remember that on Election Day with my vote. I encourage you to do the right thing and not vote to bail these corporations out of their predicaments and allow them to fix their own mess.

A Taxpayer & Voter

Whether you agree or disagree with my viewpoint, I encourage you to contact your elected officials and voice your opinions. I have been a law abiding citizen, I am gainfully employed in a white collar blue jean job. I make just enough to pay my bills but am rapidly seeing any disposable income fading away. I bent over backwards to get a home and a mortgage thru legal and proper channels. I sought assistance thru a first-time buyer program that made sure I had all my finances appropriately organized. I have a reasonable fixed rate 30 year mortgage @5.625%. I have more credit than I need and I have charges I am making an effort to pay down. I live very frugally and certainly without ostentation. I consider myself an average American that is just making ends meet. I don't think I could take on much more and this latest debacle seems too much to stand for. It seems there has been a series of these bad consequences since Bush 43 has been in office and the majority of the time working with a Republican controlled congress. I am not attempting to be political here but seriously I have heard that problems that exist today in our economy have an 8 to 12 year cycle and nothing recently caused the existing problems. 8 years ago ended a Democratic administration that undeniably had the greatest advances in our economy and state of the Union than what experienced in my lifetime of 43 years. It lasted for the 8 years that the Democratic administration was in office. OK, if you go with the 8 to 12 year cycle then some of that came about because of the Republican administration of Bush 41. In all cases we are now where we are and with all the Iraq War expenditures (By the Way, The Iraqi Parliament declared a $79 Billion Dollar surplus this year, I again ask you when is it enough? and America is still continuing to send aid to Iraq, even after this declaration...) These are the facts as I understand them, hearing news and reading articles and watching CSPAN. I am just getting the word out and voicing my disgust and anger over this latest Waterloo...

In the case that you might agree with me...Thank you! I am sure there would be serious repercussions if the government does nothing but I am so sick of the mess our country, AMERICA, is in I am willing to risk the loss of my employment, my health benefits, my retirement and my home if it means we as AMERICANS finally stand up and say enough is enough!

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