Faithe and Begorrah! Welcome to all, step inside for a wee pint or two...

Might the door be locked, there's a key under the mat. Come on in and pour yourself a wee bit of refreshment! but remember...soon enough you'll have a crowd o' well wishers at your table and into your bottle!

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Is It Church or Holy Days That Draw Us Nearer to God?

In case I haven't said it, I am a former Protestant turned Catholic
(9 years strong) and I have spent another meaningful Holy Week exploring my faith. Each successive season I find myself getting closer and closer to my Savior. Don't get me wrong, I am not a holier-than-thou type. I am a true and born sinner, I fight and resist sin as much as I am humanly able, through it all I still find failure and sin but I learn from my sins and I strive for perfection realizing that I may sin again. Hopefully, it will not be the same sin, however.

I don't wish to sound preachy but during this past Holy Week and I found myself joyful to see all the people and on the same token see all the people. Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday brought a multitude of people to church to listen to God's message for each of us. Like I said, I looked around and saw many faces that I have never seen before. The church overflowed with people. Ushers asked the congregates to get to know your neighbor and snuggle up to make more room for the multitude there to worship. I have my own reasons that I attend church beyond what that says we are supposed to and I often wonder, I sometimes ask, what draws others to attend church services? During this week I kept the thought about all these other's that I had never seen. I pose the question to ask if all these people only attend church on a religious holiday? It makes me sad to wonder why it is so difficult to attend church regularly and does someone feel better for having attended church once or twice a year? I make a solid effort, scratch that...I look forward to attending a Mass. I get so much from the Bible readings, the Psalms and the Gospels and most of all partaking of the Body and Blood of Jesus who died for my sins.

During this Holy Week I felt moments of sadness when I was crowded in the pew by souls I had never seen before. The thought crossed my mind again that they were just there because of the Easter Season....which brings me back to the other side of the coin. In the end I was joyful that so many filled the church to hear God's message for us...and remember...The Season is not over. Its not just the Resurrection, the Easter Bunny, a few colored eggs, a big dinner and Easter is over over. There's another 15 days of the Easter Season celebration ahead of us. Remember that! I can only hope, pray and look forward to seeing more faces next Sunday that aren't so unfamiliar....Happy Easter To All!


wolftracker said...

An excellent post.

Anonymous said...

This indeed is an excellent post, and very insiteful. Your relationship with God is growing, and it shows through your sensitivity to mankind and his insensitivity to spiritual things. Pray for the "eyes of their understanding to be opened, and hold fast to your faith...ti will precserve you.