Faithe and Begorrah! Welcome to all, step inside for a wee pint or two...

Might the door be locked, there's a key under the mat. Come on in and pour yourself a wee bit of refreshment! but remember...soon enough you'll have a crowd o' well wishers at your table and into your bottle!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Coffee Addicts and Water Hogs

OK, I've had enough of Starbucks everywhere and everywhere, and everywhere....they're even in the pantry @ homes everywhere. What is it with coffee drinkers and their willingness to pay $4 or $5 for a cup of brown water. I understand addiction and I have to admit that I am a soda pop addict myself but for heaven's sake even I won't buy a soda that costs more than a 93 cent 44 oz refill @ the Quick Trip. Its a REFILL too. I am even thinking that is too much sometimes. I have been using the same cup for a couple of years now. I am not adding to the waste that might otherwise be generated if I got a new soda container each time I was Jones-ing for a jolt of caffeinated carbonated water....OK, in a restaurant with food of any kind a soda might be as much as $2.00, and I am told you can pay as much as $2 for a cup of coffee @ a Denny's or something. Even there however, you get endless refills both on Sodas and the cup of Joe. OK...but people what gives with these $4 coffee drinks, its ridiculous. I have to admit also that I am the furthest thing from an aficionado of coffee but come on...use your Mr. Coffee or your French Press to get a cup of the brown stuff and if you have to put a little milk in it, do it like this...I can make frothy milk by passing it back and forth thru my teeth 1st then spit it into my cup of coffee. Now that's a Latte'!!! This advice could save your cash for something better like a charity of your choice, a house payment, a credit card payment (you've been charging that cup of Starbucks haven't you?) and save your cash....and that goes for you bottled water drinker's too.

I work for an engineering firm, although I'm not an engineer and did you know the water you get from your tap is probably cleaner and healthier than that purchased bottle of H2O! I toured a Wastewater Treatment Plant and was amazed @ the quality of the water that came out treated and back into the river for further drinking water treatment downstream. I could have even drank the treated Wastewater poured back in the river and it would have been better for me than bottled "Spring" water. Read the labels people! If the bottle has P.W.S. (Public Water Source) printed anywhere on the bottle you are paying big money for TAP water. If its Aqua Fina, thank you, you dumb dumbs are making my Pepsico Stock go thru the roof! Oh, your bottled water may be triple filtered and reverse osmosis-ized but if you look carefully and closely into the bottle there is still something floating around in there and the microscopic stuff you don't see passed right thru that filtering process and is now in your body. Next time avoid the pretty labels and ask for an empty cup. Find a tap somewhere and draw yourself a free cup of the good stuff from the nearest drinking fountain, hose, or spigot. Not to mention the empty plastic bottle that goes in the trash afterwards....just like the coffee cups...its so unnecessary...

If you are still Jones-ing for a cup of that Joe, PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE...patronize your local coffee houses and stay away from the Chain stores. If you have to have it, the local store will prosper from your dollars much more than any huge conglomerate chain of stores that are not about the person and more about the logo...

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Alright Already! Oui Vey! My Recent Top Ten

Ok, I can see by the clock on the wall (and the calendar)(October)that its been since June of this year that I have made a post to this blog. Well, a lot has happened....too much to write it all out but I can hit the highlights....and in no particular order and nothing extraordinary...well I guess that depends on perspective.

10. I've reconnected with an old friend. These things take time but we've got a solid beginning.

9. Mom's been in and out of the hospital and having procedures to help extend her life. She is in good overall health (don't let this blog fool you) if you don't consider her heart and it has been needing a little help. She is in the best of hands and I have no worries and the faith she will be around for many many years to come.

8. My sister had a job as a mother and housewife got a job in an actual business to earn a paycheck, then left that job for a better higher paying job.

7. I am still on the same job I have had since December 1989 which means I have had the same job for 18 years now. How many of you can say that....and its technically the only job I have ever had in my 42 years, if you don't count the couple of months I worked the Temporary Agency that got me the job that I've had for 18 years now.

6. I've been working on and around my house of 3 years now?.

5. I've been composing a letter (recently dropped in the mail) to hopefully reconnect with a long lost Aunt-type relative, I hope they're receptive.

4. I've seen my Niece and Nephew 2 times in these many months and they are my most precious gift ever.

3. Bought my Mom a garage door opener for her garage and now she doesn't have to open the door anymore by hand....electricity is such a wonderful thing.

2. The best news so far and to almost end with is that I am an adopted child since the age of 6-weeks and I recently received a 7 page list of "non-identifying information about my biological parents and its facinating to read about family I've never known but can feel it in my being. There is something to the Heredity v. Environment stuff. I am happily amazed and so Thankful I was given life.

1. I have secretly won the Lottery, I am about to spring it on my family and friends. It feels so good being set for life.....











OK Postscript...I had you going on that last one didn't I? Admit it there was a momentary sense of excitement...wasn't there? Sorry about that, I am hopeful something like that will happen in my lifetime but for now I am rich in Faith, Life, Family and Friends. That's the best millions I could ever hope for.
Thanks for checkin' in on me.
Now I am going to tuck myself in and get some rest
Good Night and God Bless!