Faithe and Begorrah! Welcome to all, step inside for a wee pint or two...

Might the door be locked, there's a key under the mat. Come on in and pour yourself a wee bit of refreshment! but remember...soon enough you'll have a crowd o' well wishers at your table and into your bottle!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Aventures In Cat & Dogsitting

Last week I house sat for a friend that has a cat. Her name is Penny and she is deaf and hears by vibration although I wonder if she is truly deaf or not. No matter, she's a cat and a bitch and a slut @ that. She doesn't come around when I come to visit when her family is home. In fact, if she sees me she makes herself scarce....Its a different story though when no one is home though. She's a slut for attention and treats and to go outside. All in all, she's a lovable little thing when she comes around. Well Hmmmm...

I have a couple of other freinds that have 2 dogs one of whom is actually a small man in a dog suit. His name is Simon and he is the most curious of pets and a smart little dog. I have known Simon since he was a mere pup and now a grown Cardigan Corgi. I am thinking he is of 7 years now....that's 49 in people years. OK, do the math and figure it out. They also have another foster/adopted dog named Dusty. She is a smallish herding dog of some type, brownish coat. She is a bit angst-ridden, if that is the right word and they are both obsessively hungry. When they eat (twice a day) they devoured their food as if it were their last meal and they are on their way to the gallows or something or Jerry Springer is about to start and they don't want to miss a moment of the mayhem...anyway, I digress. The dogs are a quirky sort especially what I know of Simon. He will watch TV and i think he understands what he is seeing. Especially, when other animals are on the screen. He talks to you and I can understand his dog speak to a certain extent. He is also a good little cuddler. He has a charge of his own, as well. My friends have an adorable little girl the same age as my nephew (2) and Simon herds her like a hawk sometimes. He always has an eye on her and tells Mom or Dad when Sis is into mischief.

It seems when I am sitting, the dogs try to take advantage my Innocent nature and play me with those sad little doggy eyes. I am not swayed, as I am an old dog aficionado from way back and not fooled easily. They get some treats but not too many. The dogs like ice cubes and that's a non-calorie food and I am sure sharpens their incisors. Do dogs have incisors? Interesting. Hmmmmm.......

Monday, June 4, 2007

Time Away from the Blog...

I'm sorry if anyone has been expecting a post. Its been a while. The Mom's (73) been visiting the Sister (36) Son-in-Law and the Grand kids for the last half of May 2007 and I have been busy around the house fixing things up and going out of town on long weekends. Its been like going to Camp or Vacation Bible School. I still had to work and learn something new but I had fun while doing it. When the Mom returned home her defibrillator went off and now we're going from Cardiologist to hospital to get this thang straightened out. It's also the Spring/Summer Season and I would much rather be outside then in front of my computer. Soooo....I will get back to posting soon. In fact I am working on 3 other new posts simultaneously to this one as we speak.

I Keep Thinking Now I've Heard Everything...Conjugating Verbs...I'm Disgusted!

Alright, in a week of happenings, I have thought to myself before that now I've heard everything but right now skipping thru the channels, I see Dr Kevorkian being released from prison after eight years , Pris Hilton is going back to jail?, the killer of that young woman in Overland Park has been identified, and then on Fox News Channel I see a snip-it of The O'Reilly Factor and a debate over California making a ruling on conjugal visits...visits now extended to, allowed for homosexual prisoners. OK, I love the sinner not the sin but this is a little too far. Although, I have never been in prison or know anyone except my step-brother who has been in prison and..after staying in a Holiday Inn Express last night and after watching the umpteenth episode of Dateline on Child Predators or an MSNBC docu-something on prison life in-depth from the prisoner point of view...I have come to the...I am sure albeit misguided conception (pardon the pun) that its not like the homosexual doesn't get enough action in prison as it he/she has a legal right to conjugal visits...

Here's what I have learned about the word conjugal. The definition of conjugal is: con·ju·gal [kónjəg’l] adj relating to marriage: relating to marriage or to husbands and wives. In addition to this there are con·ju·gal rights defined as: npl right of spouses to sexual intercourse: the rights that husbands or wives are entitled to in a marriage, especially the right to have sexual relations with their spouse. And finally there is the con·ju·gal vis·it: (plural con·ju·gal vis·its) n private visit of prisoner’s spouse: a visit to a jail by the husband or wife of a prisoner, during which the couple is allowed some privacy, for example, to allow them to have sexual relations. By the way since I keep copying these definitions from "Word", I guess I should tell you these definitions are brought to you by: Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. OK, now that's out of the way back to my point.

Although there are a lot of homosexuals in California...I am not aware that the state of California recognizes same sex marriages...but I guess they do recognize the right of domestic partners in co-habitation. Even though that may be true, I am still unclear on how can they make the jump to conjugal visits for homosexual prisoners. All I can say is Wow! I just don't know what else to say. Somebody say something! Any comments from the peanut gallery are welcome...